
During small and large group trainings in person or online, I combine didactic and experiential material using case examples from my own therapy & supervision practice.

We can work together to design the training format that is best for your team. 

  • Single day, 2-6 hours

  • Series, multiple days 2-3 hours each day

  • Initial didactic followed by group case consultation 

Training topics

Child Development

In this training, participants will explore how children typically develop and how to spot possible issues in a child’s development

Impact of Trauma on Development

In this training, participants learn about how the brain is organized and how exposure to adversity can impact how children’s brains develop.

Core Concepts in Infant-Parent Mental Health

In this training, I discuss the core concepts related to the field of infant parent mental health and ways in which participants can use the lens of infant mental health to inform their work, regardless of what ages your clients are.

Reflective Practice

This training is especially helpful for people who supervise or otherwise support other providers but is useful for anyone who works with children. In this training, participants will learn the concepts of reflective supervision/reflective practice and get to practice reflection with others in the group.

Neurosequential Model of therapeutics

This training is based on the work of Dr. Bruce Perry and his team at the Neurosequential Network. Participants will learn the basics of the Neurosequential Model, how early experience impacts brain development and behavior. Participants will take away developmentally respectful interventions to support children in regulating and engaging in activities that are important to them.